Thursday, March 8, 2018

Photo Essay: Praba Pilar Lecture and Performance at the University of Saskatchewan, March 7, 2018

New Feminist Lecture Series: Praba Pilar
"Situated Embodied Resistance to 21 Century Necro-Techno-Colonialism"
Images below (c) Robert Barry Francos / FFanzeen, 2018
Description and flyer from the University of Saskatchewan

This lecture was held at the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery on March 7, 2018. Introduced by Dr. Marie Lovrod (Coordinator of the WGST Program) and videotaped by the Marcus Miller (Director of the Snelgrove Gallery), it was described as addressing "how contemporary technological corporations such as Facebook, Google and others from a global apparatus of surveillance capitalism; this is ...necro-techno colonialism that adapts the 'salvation narrative' to proclaim a future of liberation ad instrumentalize faith. In this way, online data brokers convert biological life into an extra-judicial colony in service of exploitation, dominance and control."

Essentially, this can be viewed as a Media Ecological view of how the use technology can be used to control aspects of a users life in a way they were not expecting. While she did not use the term, it falls close to the "First we use technology, and then technology uses us" way of thinking.

After the lecture was a performance by Pilar which fell into three segments, the first being aggressive, the second passive, and the third was giving maize products to indicate life, all for viewing the militancy of technology, and the earth's forgiveness (at least that's my interpretation of it).

There was a question and answer period afterwards.

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