I enjoy taking photos of people and places, usually unposed to catch them at their most real. Here are some I took in New York. The main locations were out my office window, and on Fifth Avenue, in the high 40s and low 50s, and finally in Bensonhurst. Photos can be made larger by double clicking them.
[Wonder where they're rushing off to]

[A tool toolin' around]

[Wathced too many rom-coms]

[Nuff said]


[Bike flowers]

[It's all a numbers game]

[Yes, he is]

[Too hip for his own good]

[Colin Farrell wannabe?]

[Why SLRs are much cooler]

[Balloon stampede!]

[You know what she needs? More sugar!]

[Yeah, right]

[Moving truck being towed (in front of St. Patricks Cathederal): Oh, the irony (and without a prayer)]

[Check the graffiti behind the head of the person in the center (from my window in Brooklyn)]

[Fixing the roof on the building across the street from my Broolkyn apt]

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