Text (c) Robert Barry Francos, 2010
Photos from RBF family archive; credit given where known
Photos can be enlarged by clicking on themMy brother Richard Francos was born on December 8, 1951. This is to celebrate his birthday and his life.
His briss was a big party. Here is our dad, Leo Francos, holding week-old Ricky (as he was known then), with mom Helen looking over his shoulder. The moyl who did the service was a comedian, and gave them a mock card, offering the services of a "Dr. Kutcherpekerov."

An official studio picture.

In 1955, Richard keeps his new little brother, a dazed Robert, company.
[pic: Helen Francos]

Richard and Helen all dressed up.
[pic: Leo Francos]
At a young age, Richard was into dressing up as his heroes. Here he is ready to go out west with the Brooklyn Dodgers.
[pic: Helen Francos]
Richard was really into westerns back then. One of my earliest memories is of sitting with him and watching Billy Bang Bang and his Brother Butch on the television on early weekend mornings.
[pic: Helen Francos]
A big fan of the
Davy Crockett show, the walls of our room reflected this. As for the gun with the scope, not a clue!
[pic: probably Helen Francos]
Taking his big brotherness seriously, Richard puts a protecting arm around Robert, who still seems dazed. This was on our living room couch.
[pic: probably Helen Francos]
At a local Bensonhurst playpark, Richard enjoys the first decent day of spring.
[pic: Helen Francos]
During visiting day at sleepaway camp, Robert poses at the bottom of the hill where the bunks were located, with a capped Richard.
[pic: Helen Francos]
Helen joins in on the photo fun.
[pic: Robert Francos, standing on a rock]
Soon after, Robert started attending the camp on Lake Stahahe, as well. Richard kept a close watch over him the first couple of years. Richard sits next to Leo by the dock, with Robert's arms around them.
[pic: Helen Francos]
At the World's Fair in Flushing, Queens, in 1964. Richard and Robert would travel the 2-1/2 hours by subway by themselves the following year quite a few times, something unimaginable now. In this photo, Richard is 13 and Robert is 9.
[pic: Leo Francos].
Third Grade, or thereabouts.

Richard was a cub scout, and Helen was the head Den Mother.
[pic: probably Helen Francos]
At our aunt Lillian Weiner's living room (Leo's sister) for Richard's Bar
Mitzvah [photo by Shirley Kramer, Helen's great-cousin]

About 5th grade.

On a family vacation, we stopped at a ol' tyme western village (and petting zoo). Here we are pretending we're in a movie
. [pic: Helen Francos]

Getting ready for a wedding.

At someone else's bar mitzvah party, with some of Richard's classmates neighbors. I only remember three of them. Richard is

Richard loved to go fishing, and here he is out off Sheepshead Bay with friend of the family, Neil Rosen (no relation).

Sixth Grade.

The day of Robert's Bar Mitzvah in 1968, the family gathered. Back then, my brother was just a bit of of a dashing dresser.
[pic: Audrey Schwartzman]
High school graduation, in Lafayette HS maroon.
[pic: Helen Francos]
Richard in the Canadian Rockies on one of his travels. At another time, he bicycled (with a group) from New York up to Nova Scotia.

Now married and living on Long Island, Richard prepares a barbecue for family and friends
[pic: RBF]
In 2009, Bernadette and Richard pose for the camera.
[pic: RBF]
Thank you so much for sending this link to me. It was awesome to see all of the old pics..especially the one of my dad!
ReplyDeleteAaaw, Robert, that was so cute! And so lovingly done! What a great brother you are. . . mazel tov!! Take care and enjoy the holidays, OK?
ReplyDeleteKids in the Bar Mitzvah picture, Harvey Ball (top left), your brother, don't know, Robert Dobies, Michael Meskin.
ReplyDeleteBottom row - Howard Meskin, Michael Mandato. I lived across the street, M. Meskin