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The day before Halloween of this year, I was invited to take a walk at Chief Whitecap Park, just south of Saskatoon along the South Saskatchewan River. I'd been to another park in the area, Cranberry Flats, but this was my first time seeing the Chief.
Chief Whitecap (Wapahska) led the Dakota First Nation to the Saskatchewan area in the early 1860s to escape political turmoil in Minnesota. He guided John Lake, who is credited with the founding of Saskatoon, to the place it now stands on the South Saskatchewan River. During the Riel Resistance of 1885, the chief acted to protect the young community from harm. Chief Whitecap died in 1889, but is remembered fondly. More information about Chief Whitecap is linked at the bottom of this blog.
The park has been in the media a lot lately for two reasons. First, there is a question of whether it should be an off-leash park. Second, the north end of the park is about to have a highway and bridge going through it to connect a road that was originally planned (early 1900s) to circle the entire city (the road is called Circle Drive, but as of yet, is not, only going two-thirds around). Fortunately, the construction area was not visible from where we were.
There had been a recent snow which was in the middle of a melt, but the view was spectacular.
Along the trail in, there is the statue of Chief Whitecap. When we came around at the end of our walk, we saw it closer.